Basics of Property Management: Screening Potential Tenants

Basics of Property Management: Screening Potential Tenants

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  • How To Find A House To Rent When There Are Few Available

    The rental property business has highs and lows. When it hits a low period, landlords might struggle to find tenants to rent their available units. When it hits a high period, tenants might face challenges finding an available unit for rent. If you need a house rental during a time when there are few available, how can you find one? Here are some options to consider using while finding a house to rent when it seems like there are not many available.

  • Tips For Selling A House For Cash

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  • 2024© Basics of Property Management: Screening Potential Tenants
    About Me
    Basics of Property Management: Screening Potential Tenants

    For the last several years, I've used a property management firm to help with my rental properties. One of the tasks that they handle for me is screening applicants who would like to move into one of my vacant units. Their expertise has helped me lower my tenant turnover and find people who want to stay with me for years. Part of the process is a tenant screening credit check. Before any further contact takes place, my manager orders credit reports from at least two agencies. That is enough to tell us if an applicant is a good financial risk. Assuming the references work out, I meet the candidate and make the final decision. If you own rental properties, let me tell you more about the benefits of having a property manager. I'm betting you'll find this type of arrangement will work for you too.
